Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ann lamott defines grace

a. lamott is always good on grace.

she defines grace this way: "Grace means you're in a different universe from where you had been stuck, when you had absolutely no way to get there on your own."

the older i get the more grace means to me. i liken it to seeing more clearly amid distractions. there are plenty of distractions inside me and outside me that hide the truth. the truth about grace needs to be experienced. a definition needs to become a description. a dogma needs to be translated into biography. theology must become experience or it is just a rumor.

there may be too many rumors and not enough stories being written.
there may be too many things we don't really know that someone else seems to know.

are we living too vicariously?

we are unstuck by the gospel.
we have a new universe to inhabit.
we are given a gift.

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